In the 21st century, people are constantly being monitored on the internet, at work, in the public space (CCTVs) and the need to protect ones privacy has never been greater in history.
In most cases, traditional Destination Services leaves much to be desired in terms of privacy. Many assignees are uncomfortable sharing their personal information with a stranger (i.e. an in-person agent). The assignee is likely to spend many hours together with the agent who finds out most details about the assignee's new life, and also overhears phone-calls and personal conversations.
Therefore, enabling the assignee to ensure a greater level of privacy during the settling-in process leaves the assignee feeling more satisfied with the service.
ReloDrive Protects the Assignee's Privacy
Through ReloDrive's use of technology, the assignee no longer needs an agent in the car with them. This not only gives the assignee much wanted privacy, but also lowers the cost, and ensures social distancing.
Privacy can be distinguished into different categories:
Spatial privacy: typified by the interest in the privacy of private space, by restricting other people’s access to it or controlling its use. The home is the prototypical example of the place where spatial privacy is enacted, closely associated with the intimate relations and family life that take place in the home
Communicational privacy: typified by a person’s interests in restricting access to communications or controlling the use of information communicated to third-parties. Communications may be mediated or unmediated, which involve different ways of limiting access or controlling the communicated messages.
Intellectual privacy: typified by a person’s interest in privacy of thought and mind, and the development of opinions and beliefs. While this can have important associational aspects, it is suitable as an ideal type of the personal zone, as the mind is where people can be most themselves.
Associational privacy: typified by individuals’ interests in being free to choose who they want to interact with: friends, associations, groups, and communities. This fits in the semi-private zone since the relationships often take place outside strictly private places or intimate settings, in semi-public spaces such as offices, meeting spaces, or cafés.
Informational privacy: an overarching aspect of each underlying type, typified by the interest in preventing information about one-self to be collected and in controlling information about one-self that others have legitimate access to. Despite the frequency at which informational privacy has been classified as a separate type of privacy alongside (and thus on the same level as) other types, we think it should be represented instead as an overarching aspect
Since the ReloDrive service is completed independently, it intrinsically protects the assignee's Spatial, Communicational, Intellectual, Associational and Informational privacy.
We see other examples of distant service creating more loyal customers in many aspects of life. Checking into flights, picking up rentals cars, self-pay at supermarkets etc.
Want to learn more about the ReloDrive Services?
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